One of my favourite spots here in the Blue Mountains is our Craigleith Depot. It was a railway station, and we are a train-loving family thanks to my Dad. I imagine the generations of residents and visitors coming in and out of the station over the years. From the Petun First Nations to the settlers, I am always fascinated with the human history of our area.
Today the Depot it is not just our town’s history museum but it is a hub of our community with all sorts of programming and monthly meetings. I have joined the Blue Mountains Writers’ Group as a newly minted blog writer to exchange inspiration with other local writers of all levels of expertise. I also attend the monthly Sweetwater Meditation Circle. La Mer Douce was Champlain’s name for Georgian Bay and translates as Sweetwater Sea. It is a highlight of my week to meet with such great welcoming people, and I miss our meetings when I’m teaching in Niagara! Check out the museum’s calendar for these groups and neat films etc.