Due to weather, we had to postpone Clarksburg has h”ART until March 23, so my weekend was free to explore a new weave and new potential half-day workshop to offer.  It is the first project I have tried from Jenny Crisp’s new book Willow: A Guide to Growing and Harvesting – Plus 20 Beautiful Woven Projects (2018) and has a marvelous weaving rhythm to it once you get the hang of the pattern. I did use 3 resources in total to learn this weave, so I recommend you take an in-person workshop to learn it if you can.  After that, you can keep creating with ease! My resources toolbox:

I am adding this to the March 23 workshops for Clarksburg has h’ART and offering it on an alternative weekend too. A successful weekend in my 2019 hobby-to-business goal- so excited to add this to the list of introductions to basket weaving I can share with other who want to explore the craft!