I am frustrated and tired from a construction job in our garage building project. Feeling overwhelmed I have learned to walk away and find a happy activity to reset my neurons and mood before tackling the task again. The evening is approaching. I pick up my iPad to write my weekly blog post (sharing on this blog has become such a feel-good activity), but the evolving dusk across the horizon out my window lures my attention.


Just for a minute or two.  A mindful moment.

Our window faces east but we enjoy a phenomena when the sun sets behind us in the west: in our east view the escarpment ridge reflects the firey orange sunlight while the sky lights up in a brilliant pink.

I stop everything.

I breathe.

I watch the shifting colours as pink fades to purple fades to blue. I have witnessed this colourful gift of nature many times out back of our home yet each time I breathe in awe. The horizon is expansive popping in glowing orange on the highest ridges with the last of the sunlight’s reflection.  The sky above is even more vast as it unfolds in its palette just ahead of nightfall.

Maple & I watch the last of the sunset reflecting off the escarpment- the best has passed & photos never capture the true rich colours.

Now the landscape is dull brown grey in the last light. The sky is now a cool darkening blue.  I just heard the first of the nightly coyote howls. If I had raced on in my garage or gone on to another to-do item, I would have missed nature’s escapade.

Living mindfully has taught me to take in the moments. I am fortified and refreshed.

I am ready to go back out to the garage and work late into the night to finish my construction woodwork (ahead of the drywall crew showing up at 8 am tomorrow).