Spring 2018

Spring sunset over the lavender field.
I now have 36 lavenders planted, because some of my first varieties have not survived this cold zone’s winters. This year, I selected 18 Phenomenals because of their tolerance to cold (here in a cold altitude of Zone 4) and their ultra long stems. They are already blooming and have a lovely scent. Sellers of this variety are few and far between because of its patent, so I went to Richters. I hope to weave small baskets from these lovely stems that are already 18 to 24 inches long!

The first two rows which includes 50 feet of lavender.
I have tilled 3 approximately 65-foot rows so that I can snake 200 feet of soaker hoses along them nestled in the wood chips. I have had to add a third row because my Mom and I rescued a number of cheap mystery tomatoes and peppers from the greenhouse. I have 24 tomato plants alone! We have natural berry bushes around the property, so I am also tucking them in at the end of the rows.
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